Head of Specialization Program: Prof. Sharon Sznitman

Promoting physical activity and adapting it to special populations is of the utmost importance in managing various diseases, lowering risk factors for morbidity, preventing morbidity and mortality, and improving quality of life. Over the years, a great deal of knowledge has been gained about the relationship between physical activity, exercise training and health and the importance of physical activity to public health.

Program Goals

The program aims to develop physical activity and exercise professionals with appropriate academic training who will be able to lead improvements in physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyles. The program is committed to excellence in training physical activity professionals who will have an in-depth knowledge of the physiology of the exercise and with the ability to develop physical activity-based interventions for diverse populations, as well as those with chronic morbidity such as heart disease patients, patients with respiratory diseases and more.


In addition to core courses of the School of Public Health, students will be taught 12-14 weekly course hours from the compulsory courses in the Department of Physical Therapy, including courses such as aspects of training methods, cardiac rehabilitation: theory and practice, aspects of physical training for chronic lung patients, a cardiopulmonary rehabilitation program for patient with different diseases , physical exercise in children in health and disease, the movement system in old age. In addition, 10-18 elective weekly course hours, from the School of Public Health and the Department of Physical Therapy.

The program's graduates will receive a master's degree in the School of Public Health, which will include a specialization in “Physical Activity, Exercise and Health”. This specialization will allow students immediate application of their studies in their daily work, and may also give them career benefits in the future.